Tabernacle 1
Wednesday, November 3, 2021 Evening Service
Tabernacle: Lesson 1
- Adam and Eve
- Noah
- Abraham
- Isaac
- Jacob
- Joseph and his brothers
- Slavery in Egypt
- Moses, the ten plagues, and the exodus from Egypt by crossing the Red Sea
The Book of Exodus:
2. Birth of Moses, Moses kills the Egyptian and flees
3. The burning bush
7. The beginning of the ten plagues
12. The Passover lamb and Israel leaves Egypt
- The Egyptians lent them jewels and clothes: Exodus 12:35-36
14. Pharoah chases Israel and the crossing of the Red Sea
16. Manna in the wilderness
19. Israel arrives at Mount Sinai
24. God gives Moses the Ten Commandments on tables of stone
25. God tells Moses to build the Tabernacle
32. Aaron makes the golden calf, Moses breaks the tables of stone
What is the Tabernacle?
After Israel was brought out of slavery in Egypt God gave Moses very specific instructions for how to build a tent (and other things) called the Tabernacle. The Tabernacle would be where God resided and where Israel would bring their sacrifices and worship Him.
Why Study the Tabernacle?
Even though the Tabernacle was an Old Testament structure and is no longer in use, it reveals and pictures many New Testament truths. God set up the Tabernacle to reflect what He knew would come later: the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. You will see some beautiful truths about your Savior as well as God’s amazing foreknowledge and revelation.
The Plans for the Tabernacle
Exodus 25:1-9
First God told the Israelites to bring an offering. This offering is coming from the things the Egyptians lent them when they came out of Egypt (Ex. 12:35-36).
The Materials
The materials were to be given as an offering by the children of Israel (Ex. 25:2-7). There was no law that they must give: it was given “willingly”, all under grace, from the heart. The materials were:
- Gold - represents Deity
- Silver - represents the price of redemption (1 Peter 1:18, Zechariah 11:13)
- Brass - connected with the judgment of sin (Revelation 6)
- Blue - the color of heaven (Numbers 15:38)
- Purple - the color of royalty
- Scarlet - a reference to the blood of Jesus Christ
- Fine linen - the righteousness of the saints (Revelation 19:8)
- Goats’ hair - goats are found in typology as a sin offering (Leviticus 9:15), a sin bearer (Leviticus 16:9-10), and a type of the Antichrist (Daniel 8:5-12)
- Rams’ skins - represents Christ as a sacrifice (Genesis 22:13), connected with the burnt offering, the peace offering, the trespass offering, and the atonement in Leviticus and Numbers
- Badgers’ skins
- Shittim wood - represents the humanity of Christ, since men are likened to trees (Ezekiel 31, Psalm 1:3, Mark 8:24)
- Oil - olive oil (Exodus 27:20)
- Spices - associated with death (Mark 16:1, John 19:40)
- Onyx stones, and stones - The other stones are listed in Exodus 28:17-20, they represent New Jerusalem (Revelation 21-22), they are part of the glory God gave to Christ before the foundation of the world (John 17:24)